Momentum and movement - Capturing the energy I find in sport, landscape and live events. Sometimes there is a narrative element to my work, but mostly, it is the visceral feeling of that moment and its internal energy which I portray. I draw directly with pen and ink, before adding flashes of colour. I make marks which serve as a shorthand to describe the elements of the scene.
I love fast moving subjects, from cycling to rugby and cricket, but also to birds in flight, or swimming on water where the ripples and wind create turbulent patterns. The medium of pen and ink with watercolour is intense and risky, but quick and responsive, suiting my different subjects with their twists, turns and bursts of energy.
For me, these subjects offer great abstract qualities, with colour, bold shapes and graceful lines. From teams' colours and their fans in the crowd, musicians and orchestras, to the movement of birds, water, clouds and skies. All these different subjects have a rhythm as they move, which I find endlessly fascinating.
The energy is the driving force behind the work.
Private collections: UK, France, Mallorca, Canada and US
Born in Leicester - Leicester and Liverpool School of Art - Fine Art, Painting
Studio based in The Langtons in south Leicestershire, near Market Harborough.
Affilications: Leicester Society of Artists, Leicester Sketch Club and Harborough Artists Cluster, Northamptonshire and Rutland Open Studios, (NROS).
2024 - Shortlisted Trinity Buoy Wharf Working Drawing Award
Solo Exhibitions
2025/2026 'Turbulence: Dynamics Unleashed' - TBC
2022 ‘Cycling’ – The Canon Gallery, Oundle
2018 Racing Lines Le Tour – Cank Street Gallery, Leicester
2015 Racing Lines Le Tour – Alfred East Gallery, Kettering
2015 Racing Lines Le Tour – jGallery, Moulton, Northampton
2012 20 Stages – JGallery, Moulton Northamptonshire
Open and Group shows include Leicester and Kettering Opens,Alfred East Gallery, LSA Annual Exhibitions, Leicester Museum, New Walk, Leicester, LSC Annual exhibitions
Selected Open Exhibitions
2024 Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize, London
2021 RI Watercolours 209th Exhibition, Mall Galleries, London, 2021
2021 Leicester Open, The People’s Exhibition, New Walk Museum and Art Gallery,
2017 ‘Little Selves’ Leicester Society of Artists, New Walk Musuem & Art Gallery,
2015 ‘Past & Present’, Leicester Sketch Club, New Walk Museum & Art Gallery,
2010 ‘The Moment of Privacy is Passed’ Usher Gallery, Lincoln,
2007 Feast of Friends, The artists of Barton Hall, Northampton Museum and Art Gallery,